1. #1 Jet Black VS #1B Natural Black
What is #1 Jet Black Hair Color?
#1 Jet black hair color, is the deepest, darkest shade of black you can find. It’s cool and has subtle blue undertones that create an almost otherworldly effect. Jet black is a rich hue that is usually extremely glossy and is so profoundly dark that it will look unnatural on most people. While black hair is a standard natural hair color, most people have to use dye to get jet black strands.
What is #1B Natural Black Hair Color?
#1B is the second darkest hair color. The B in 1B stands for black, while the 1 means it’s the first shade of natural black. 1B is off black and looks much more natural than jet-black strands. It’s a softer shade that is the most realistic option for women with naturally black hair.
Jet Black vs. 1B Hair Color: The Differences
Although jet black and 1B are both shades of black, there are some slight differences between the two. Here is how to distinguish between jet black and 1B hair color.
● Jet black has cool, blue undertones, while 1B has warmer, brown undertones.
● Jet black is dramatic and may not look natural. On the other hand, 1B is a natural, more subtle shade of black.
● 1B hair is more universally flattering, while jet black will wash out paler complexions.
● Jet black hair is darker than 1B.
● Jet black hair is dyed to create a uniform color, while 1B hair is usually unprocessed.
● 1B human hair has slight variations in color and may include gray or dark brown strands. Alternatively, jet black hair is uniformly colored.